Madison Voted YES to Invest in Our Public Schools!

Madison voters have offered a resounding “yes” to two requests from the Madison Metropolitan School District. The requests were separated into two parts – a $33 million operating referendum and a $317 million facilities referendum. The $317 million will be used to renovate the district’s four main high schools and add a new elementary school.

After the results came in, Superintendent Carlton Jenkins said he was thrilled with the outcome, commenting:

This is a very important moment for Madison, for MMSD and for all our children, all of our families, and we can’t thank you enough. We’re really humbled by the fact that you’re showing this level of support and we’re going to do everything in our power to be good stewards as we have been in the past of the dollars given.

The Yes2Invest Co-Chairs also offered the following sentiments of gratitude:
We're incredibly grateful to the people of Madison for voting YES to invest in our public schools, students, and staff. Because of you, more sustainable and equitable schools are in sight. The work does not end here. We encourage everyone who cares about the future of our community to get involved with our local schools through the Foundation for Madison's Public Schools and, alongside our new Superintendent Dr. Carlton Jenkins, help us continue to shape a Madison that uplifts all its residents.
District leaders have said major construction projects would not start until the summer of 2022. The district will spend a year planning and getting community input. The next two and a half to three years, up to the summer of 2024, would be when the majority of construction would take place. Exciting things are on the horizon for our city and our schools!

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