The holidays are upon us, and in this season of giving we invite you to consider a donation to the school district that helped shape you. Wondering where your money would go? Here are just a few of the ways in which your donation could help make an impact:
Provide opportunities for new students
Donating to your alma mater helps to fund opportunities for students of today and tomorrow. Depending on the way in which you give, the money could help to fund scholarships, new course offerings, educational initiatives, capital projects and extracurricular activities. You might also choose to fund purchases of classroom items and supplies, which many teachers often have to buy with their own money.
Give back in a meaningful way
Think about the experiences you had in high school that were meaningful and impactful for you. You can focus your donations on a specific area as a way of giving back. If you were involved in band, for example, you might give a donation specifically meant for the band program. You might decide to fund a specific scholarship that has meaning to you. Not only will this ensure future students are able to get the same opportunities you had, but it also attaches some extra meaning to the gift that can make it feel even more personal.
Support alumni opportunities
Donating to the Madison Public Schools Friends & Alumni Network will help to fund ongoing opportunities for alumni to stay connected with their schools, creating a stronger relationship between the district and those who have passed through it. These funds could be used for alumni events, newsletters and fundraisers to support certain initiatives at the schools.
Sustain everyday operations
There are a lot of day-to-day expenses in schools that do not get a whole lot of public attention, but need to be covered all the same. Given how many schools tend to have very tight operating budgets, any general donations you make could help provide schools with breathing room to keep things running smoothly.
We hope you will consider making a donation this holiday season to support your alma mater, and current and future generations of students!
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