The COVID-19 pandemic continues to make it next to impossible to gather in large groups. This, unfortunately, has had a devastating effect on plans for class reunions all over the nation.
One of the most popular times of year for class reunions is Thanksgiving weekend, when people are already likely to be spending time back in their hometowns with family and friends. But this year, any class reunions you may wish to plan will not be able to happen in-person, especially as Wisconsin continues to see surging infection rates and hospitalizations with the virus.
But never fear! There are still options for you to host these reunions virtually, giving you time to catch up with friends from your alma mater in an informal environment.
Here are five tips for you to still find success with planning your class reunion in a virtual format.
- Connect with the school and your alumni association: Both your alma mater and your alumni network will still be able to provide you with valuable resources, including contact information for people in your class and other information to help you in your planning. Connecting with these sources should always be your first step when planning a reunion, even a virtual one!
Reconsider reunion chair positions: Without an in-person component to your event, you don’t need to have someone tasked with arranging a venue or catering or anything like that. Instead, you should find someone with technological prowess who can ensure the event runs smoothly. You can still benefit from having someone tasked with marketing responsibilities, someone organizing invitations and someone managing finances, but even these roles might look different due to the online nature of the event.
- Use a platform people already know: People have become intimately familiar with platforms like Zoom and Google Meet since the pandemic began. These tools are even being used for virtual schooling now. You may as well stick with these platforms, since people already know them and are familiar with them. Plus, with Zoom, you can use advanced features to allow for breakout groups.
- Have plans: Just because it’s a virtual reunion doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have an agenda. You should still have a person moderating or emceeing to guide you through the event, and have an agenda for the activities and talks. Do some research into virtual activities as well, including online games, group discussions, icebreakers, sharing talents or other types of activities that easily translate to an online setting.
- Do your research: We’re seven months and counting into the pandemic, which means there are already plenty of other alumni associations that have held online reunions, fundraisers and events. See what other groups have done, and get some inspiration for what you think could make for a successful event of your own.
While a virtual reunion isn’t the same as being able to gather in person, it can still be a big success. Contact us if you need further tips to get you started with your planning!
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